Three Ways to Measure Your Fitness Progress

The scale or a measuring tape should never be the only markers you use to determine if your fitness routine is working.   Your cardiovascular health, your muscles' flexibility and your overall strength are often not visible with those measurements.  That's why I believe in creating benchmark exercises or benchmark workouts. 

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Quick Workout to Get You Ready for Summer

I'm encouraging my clients to add an extra walk, swim, weight lifting session or workout each week in May to help ready them for summer. For many of us, it's been a long winter, and diving into our favorite summer activities sometimes isn't as easy as it was when we last did them in August. I think May is a great time to put out a little extra effort, so you are ready for summer.

To help you get started, here's a quick workout you can do in 20-minutes or less.

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What is Dynamic Stretching?

f you've read any fitness magazines or perused online workout videos recently, you've likely encountered the terms "dynamic warm-up" or "dynamic stretching." A dynamic warm-up is a method of stretching at the beginning of a workout that moves your body through various range of motion movements that are similar to a lighter version of your workout.

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Toned Arms Workout - No Weights Needed!

Bingo wings, bat wings, lunch lady arms - these are some of the colorful terms I hear my clients use to talk about their upper arms.  Ab workouts and arm workouts are what my clients request the most.  The tricky thing about arm workouts is that you can't just do a few sets of arm exercises and immediately have Michelle Obama arms. You also have to throw in some cardio if you have any fat on your arms. You can build muscle, but if you have excess fat on your arms, it's going to be harder to see the muscle. (Also, what you eat can affect this, too. Make healthy choices! )

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12 Days of Health & Fitness Day 10

12 Days of Health & Fitness Day 10: Lunge it, Lunge it, Lunge it! Find a track nearby (or an indoor gym) and prepare to do some lunges. Advanced option - Lunge around the entire circle of the track! Intermediate - Lunge 50-100 yards (about 50 lunges each leg); Beginner - 25 lunges each leg. Modification for individuals who don't lunge: sit on the ground and raise one leg up. Swing that leg to the side and back to the starting position. That's one rep. Complete 25 reps per leg.

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12 Days of Health & Fitness: Day 1

Day 1 of 12 Days of Fitness & Health: Pay for your Productivity - Do one burpee (with push-up!) for every email and/or text you received and sent today. Low-impact option: Do a stepback - take out the jump (squat down and place hands on ground, step back into plank, do a push-up, step feet back to hands and stand up).

Beginner Option - Do a modified Jumping Jack. Take out the jump - alternate stepping feet out as your arms come overhead.

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