Recipe of the Week - Grilled Pesto Chicken and Tomato Kebabs

I've started being more diligent about reading food labels, and I am horrified by the list of ingredients in some of the products I consume. As a result, I'm trying to make as much of our food from scratch as possible. The only sticking point is that I don't have an abundance of time to make sauces, chop veggies and pull everything together. That's why I love this recipe - it takes little to no time to make this pesto sauce.

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18-Minute Full Body Workout

Last week, a client texted me asking for some workout ideas.  She said she had a set of 5-pound weights and a swiss ball.  I LOVE this kind of challenge; it's fun for me to create a workout that only uses specific pieces of equipment. I texted the following workout back to her, and I decided to give it a try, too. I really liked this workout because it was quick and thorough, which is exactly the kind of workout that I want.

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Recipe of the Week - Baked Ziti and Summer Veggies

There is something about seeing all of the fresh, beautiful produce at the Farmer's Market that makes me go crazy. I buy everything I see and leave with pounds of produce that I'm not entirely sure what to do with. Last year, I went a little overboard during a trip to the market and left with bags full of summer squash and zucchini. After making zucchini turkey burgers, zucchini bread, and zucchini meatloaf, I knew I needed another zucchini/summer squash recipe. That's how I stumbled upon this gem of a recipe from Cooking Light.

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Three Ways to Measure Your Fitness Progress

The scale or a measuring tape should never be the only markers you use to determine if your fitness routine is working.   Your cardiovascular health, your muscles' flexibility and your overall strength are often not visible with those measurements.  That's why I believe in creating benchmark exercises or benchmark workouts. 

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Quick Workout to Get You Ready for Summer

I'm encouraging my clients to add an extra walk, swim, weight lifting session or workout each week in May to help ready them for summer. For many of us, it's been a long winter, and diving into our favorite summer activities sometimes isn't as easy as it was when we last did them in August. I think May is a great time to put out a little extra effort, so you are ready for summer.

To help you get started, here's a quick workout you can do in 20-minutes or less.

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What is Dynamic Stretching?

f you've read any fitness magazines or perused online workout videos recently, you've likely encountered the terms "dynamic warm-up" or "dynamic stretching." A dynamic warm-up is a method of stretching at the beginning of a workout that moves your body through various range of motion movements that are similar to a lighter version of your workout.

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Top 12 Fruits/Veggies To Buy Organic

The dirty dozen and clean fifteen lists are a great way to ease into buying organic produce.  These lists reveal the  most pesticide-laden produce items as well as the 15 produce items with the least amount of pesticides. The lists guide you in what products you'll want to buy organic and what products you can opt not to if you are tight on money or lack selection in your local grocery store.

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