Recipe of the Week - Homemade Granola Bars

These bars might not have less calories compared to store-bought granola bars, but they are made from ingredients you can actually pronounce.  Added bonus:  they are DELICIOUS. I love making these bars for my family and friends. The bars are rich in flavor, and they fill you up! They take about 10 minutes to pull together and another 30-60 minutes to set up in the refrigerator.

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Toned Arms Workout - No Weights Needed!

Bingo wings, bat wings, lunch lady arms - these are some of the colorful terms I hear my clients use to talk about their upper arms.  Ab workouts and arm workouts are what my clients request the most.  The tricky thing about arm workouts is that you can't just do a few sets of arm exercises and immediately have Michelle Obama arms. You also have to throw in some cardio if you have any fat on your arms. You can build muscle, but if you have excess fat on your arms, it's going to be harder to see the muscle. (Also, what you eat can affect this, too. Make healthy choices! )

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Why Are My Muscles Crazy Sore Two Days After a Workout?

Have you ever felt like your post-workout soreness was worse two days after your workout? You know the soreness I'm talking about - when it's hard to sit on the toilet or you feel every muscle in your abs when you laugh. If you are experiencing more intense soreness on day two following a workout, you are likely experiencing Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness (DOMS).

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Recipe of the Week - Cooking Light Sausage, Shrimp & Quinoa Skillet

What you fuel your body with is as important if not more important than exercise. Last year, I started a habit of trying one new recipe a week. It's been a great way to break out of my rut and try new, healthy foods. I'm going to try to share one new recipe that I've tried each week! (These fabulous recipes were created by other amazing chefs - not me!)

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12 Days of Health & Fitness Day 12

12 Days of Health & Fitness Day 12 - get moving! Sometime during the week or weekend, set a goal of "moving" for 30 minutes. It could be walking, jogging, swimming, raking leaves or doing a workout video. If it's too cold outside, find alocal mall or big box store where you can walk the perimeter. I like to go right when the store opens, so I can avoid the throngs of people. I also like to throw in some intervals - pick up the pace for 30 seconds and then recover for 30 seconds at least five times during the walk.

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12 Days of Health & Fitness Day 10

12 Days of Health & Fitness Day 10: Lunge it, Lunge it, Lunge it! Find a track nearby (or an indoor gym) and prepare to do some lunges. Advanced option - Lunge around the entire circle of the track! Intermediate - Lunge 50-100 yards (about 50 lunges each leg); Beginner - 25 lunges each leg. Modification for individuals who don't lunge: sit on the ground and raise one leg up. Swing that leg to the side and back to the starting position. That's one rep. Complete 25 reps per leg.

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