Full-Body Dice Workout - No Equipment Needed

I change the format of my workouts every day. I need variety! Today’s workout is a format I use when I feel like I’ve done everything else recently.

To do this dice workout, I create a list of six exercises with varied repetitions or times. Each movement correlates with a number from the dice. When I roll that number, I have to do the exercise as it’s written - not the number of repetitions the rolled dice represents.


Set your timer for 10 minutes. Roll the dice and complete the exercise that corresponds to the number that you rolled. For example, in Circuit #1, if I rolled a 3, I’d do 25 jumping jacks. Keep rolling and exercising until the timer goes off. Once you are done with 10 minutes of Circuit 1, set your timer and start on Circuit 2.

Circuit #1: (Set your timer for 10 minutes.)

1 – 20 Walking Lunges (10 per leg)

2 – 10 Push-ups

3 – 25 Jumping Jacks

4 – 30 Second Plank

5 – 15 Supermen

6 – 15 Donkey Kicks (per leg)

Circuit #2: (Set your timer for 10 minutes.)

1 – 20 Squat Jumps

2 – 30 Second Wall-sit

3 – 6 Up-Down Planks

4 – 20 Elevated Bridges

5 – 15 Triceps Dips (on bench, chair or ground)

6 – 15 Skaters

Dice Workout.png