Karen Nicholas Training

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Changing up Your Workout: Pyramid Format

Changing up the format of my workouts is a necessity. If I begin to get bored, I lose all motivation to exercise. Not only does changing up your routine help combat predictability, but it also helps strengthen different muscles and avoid overuse injuries. 7 Reasons to Switch Up Your Workout | One Medical

Changing up a routine can involve trying a new activity or switching the format of your existing exercise. I do a lot of interval strength training workouts and get tired of doing circuits or supersets. So, I switch it up by doing an As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) workout or ladder workout.

The workout below is another one to try: the pyramid workout. You start with a low number of reps and increase each set until you reach your desired maximum. Next, you work backward, repeating the sets until you are where you started.

It’s a challenging workout – with a different format! Give it a try and let me know what you think. If you liked this format, I have another pyramid workout that’s fun to try.

Pyramid Workout:

Set #1

5 Push-ups

5 Squats + Bicep Curls

5 Deadlifts with Dumbbells

5 Renegade Rows with Dumbbells

5 Dumbbell Triceps Kickbacks

5 Squat Jumps

Set #2

10 Push-ups

10 Squats + Bicep Curls

10 Deadlifts with Dumbbells

10 Renegade Rows with Dumbbells

10 Dumbbell Triceps Kickbacks

10 Squat Jumps

Set #3

15 Push-ups

15 Squats + Bicep Curls

15 Deadlifts with Dumbbells

15 Renegade Rows with Dumbbells

15 Dumbbell Triceps Kickbacks

15 Squat Jumps

Set #4:

10 Push-ups

10 Squats + Bicep Curls

10 Deadlifts with Dumbbells

10 Renegade Rows with Dumbbells

10 Dumbbell Triceps Kickbacks

10 Squat Jumps

Set #5:

5 Push-ups

5 Squats + Bicep Curls

5 Deadlifts with Dumbbells

5 Renegade Rows with Dumbbells

5 Dumbbell Triceps Kickbacks

5 Squat Jumps