Karen Nicholas Training

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Five Secret Ways to Squeeze in Exercise Throughout the Day

Our best intentions for exercising can go up in smoke when Monday rolls around. An unexpected meeting or added to-do can quickly erase our designated time to exercise. But, if you are having one of those weeks, don’t despair! Here are a few ideas that will help you incorporate some activity into your day.

  1. Take the longer route. If you park at an office building or the grocery store, pick the spot furthest away. As you walk toward your destination, challenge yourself to pick up your pace. Speed walk or jog to the front doors!

  2. Plan five-minute exercise bursts to do as a break between tasks. Finished drafting a report or cleaning up the dishes? Do three exercises for 10 repetitions for a total of three times. For example, 10 Jumping Jacks, 10 Squats and 10 Push-ups. Or, 10 reverse lunges, 10 chair triceps dips and 10 desktop/countertop push-ups.

  3. Set the timer on your phone for 5 or 10 minutes and commit to moving. Maybe you are picking up kids’ toys or sticks in the front yard. Or, you are having a dance party for five minutes. Commit to a time, set your timer, and do it! Don’t stop moving until your timer goes off!

  4. Rather than bending over to pick something up off the ground, squat down to get it. If you are grocery shopping, don’t bend over to grab something on a lower shelf - squat down to get it. Or, as you sit in your chair, don’t just plunk yourself down. Slowly lower yourself down, so you are engaging your quadricep muscles.

  5. Plan your daily to-dos to include one active chore each day. Vacuuming your rugs, weeding your garden, walking to the mailbox, mopping your floors, or dusting your house are all chores that require your body to be more active than more sedentary chores (folding clothes, paying bills, etc.)

Set a goal to try one of these activities 3-5 times a week. At the end of the week, see if you noticed a difference. Did you feel better by incorporating some movement? Every bit of activity makes a difference, so don’t let a busy schedule derail your goals of being more active.

Have some extra time to work out? Try one of these bodyweight exercises.