Karen Nicholas Training

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Best Indoor Workout for When it's Cold Outside

We’ve had a rough winter in Kansas this year. Since Jan. 9, our school district has had at least five snow days. One snow day – let alone five – is not a common occurrence. There have been many days where the weather was too bad to go outside for a run or venture to the pool. This workout is for those days when you are trapped at home and can’t make it to the gym. It’s a quick workout that will get your heart rate up. Give it a try!

Repeat this circuit three times for a 27-minute workout.

45 Seconds Skaters

15 Second Break

45 Seconds Mountain Climbers

15 Second Break

45 Seconds Push-ups Negatives

15 Second Break

45 Seconds Supermen

15 Second Break

45 Seconds Walking Lunges

15 Second Break

45 Seconds Hamstring Bridges

15 Second Break

45 Seconds Jumping Jacks

15 Second Break

45 Seconds Plank

15 Second Break

45 Seconds Fire Hydrants

15 Second Break

Repeat for a total of 3 times.